Monday, January 23, 2006

Who I Really Am

Close friends and even lovers backstab each other; Elders tell false things about their children; churchmen and churchwomen flauntingly tolerate and explain away their evil doings; people use good people for selfish reasons; and people present good people as if they are bad. These are the kinds of people or acts that I have seen in the recent years that really shocked me. Every one of us in one way or another wants, and sometimes, even needs someone or a group that can be really trusted. Because of these kinds of people, this aspiration seems to be just an illusion nowadays for some. This is then why people just accepts these evil things and tolerate them. Another upshot of these evil acts is that they make innocent act or even good acts perceived to be evil acts by some who have lost their trust for the world. This is sad. This is so sad, isn’t it?

Facts are not difficult to find, but, since it is easy to make false ideas, facts are shrouded by stubbornness and cowardice. And so, false conceptions are tolerated and people are misunderstood. So what do these things got to do with who I am? Well, I know people who have judged me and said things about me that are not true. Some people have believed these deceits and actually accepted them as true. If you will ask people around me about who I am, I doubt that you will not be dumfounded with the way the answers will differ. Because of these people, you can technically describe me in many different views.

Deceitful people do exist. Odious deceitful acts happen. Let’s be aware. Let’s beware. We have no choice but to deal with them. That is, deal with them and not ignore them. We must all know that not doing anything to stop these things is a way of tolerating them. If we are one of these people and if we have one of these kinds of act then let’s change. Let’s strive for a better life and for a joy for everyone. To people who have encountered things like these, let us, in any how, stop these things and be a good model deserving of trust instead of being one of them. If everyone seems to be lying, deceiving, and backstabbing, then it is not a sign to stop in trying to do what we innately do… let’s not stop being good. Moreover, let’s be smart and let us open our eyes. Looking will just make us see the shallow and false things. Opening our eyes would make us be aware of the actualities of a situation and of someone.

If some say that you can not trust anyone in this world but yourself, this is still not true for me. I believe there are still people out there that I can really trust. I just have not really met them… maybe I have not yet realized that they are really trustworthy persons… and maybe I have not made them yet. :) We all can meet the persons we can really trust. We all can put up a family and make children that is worthy of anyone’s trust. To do this, it will greatly help if we’ll be trustworthy, ourselves, all the time.

Rumors might be able to destroy my name but only if when fools will be more abundant than the wise ones. This is because only fools believe in rumors; only fools pull down people to make them more acceptable; only fools fool themselves by accepting things based on intuitions; and only fools judge people especially if it just comes from hearsays. If I just keep up on trying my best to be good, my name will only be destroyed to fools by fools.

So who is Trx? Who am I? The facts will tell you who I really am.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So... who really is Trx? Who are you... really?