when you feel that id in yourself, it is really tempting to do what it urges you to do... maybe that's why sometimes, or some even say that most of the time, it is good to go with the flow... yeah, it really feels good to do what you feel like doing now... of course it is... but come to think of it... it just gives you temporary happiness, right? I mean, if you just base your actions with the whims of life, you'll probably be like those people who are living spontaneously always looking for shallow things like sex, drugs or flings... I don't know, but isn't it sad? They wake up in the afternoon, take drugs with friends, have sex with someone they don't really love, go home wasted, sleep, wake up again in the afternoon... and the never ending strive to find temporary happiness goes on and on... for me it's sad... isn't it better to plan our lives or even have a goal? in this way we can be able to distinguish the things that bring us temporary happiness from the things that bring us joy... we'll be able to keep ourselves away from doing shallow things even those like getting revenge on somebody by doing something bad to him or insulting somebody with a reason you really didn't know or you didn't even think of... in this way we'll be able to do more significant things in life that will bring us joy that really lasts... so, is it better to plan our lives and have a goal? I think it is... :)
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