Sunday, January 25, 2009


It’s so nice to be loved and to love. Loving someone inspires anyone. It makes anyone smile the whole day. It excites. It makes anyone move and get through with any trials life can give. It moves and strengthens one’s conviction on his goals in life. It makes anyone’s life seems complete. Money becomes nothing. It makes you feel like it’s all what you need.

When in love, a simple hug seems so wonderful. The feeling of a lover’s body so close excites so much. You feel so fortunate. It makes you want to stop the time every time. A kiss can seem everything. It gives so much excitement, it makes a second seem so slow. When you both hold hands, it gives contentment in an instant without any effort of thinking the reason for the feeling.

Isn’t it great to be in a relationship with a person who loves us so much? Isn’t it so wonderful to find someone who can take us to that state, every day, every moment you’re with that person, and every time you think of that soul? It so is wonderful.

But how about being that person? How about, each of us, try to be a better person for that someone who will take us to those moments? How about, while still single, we try to get used to in doing what’s good. In such way, we don’t get to end good relationships, instead, when we’re with that special one, we get to be inclined in doing what’s best for the relationship and make it last.

I have weaknesses. I have unpleasant inclinations. I have to learn a lot of things. I want to learn. I want to be better. I want to prepare. I want to get used to doing what’s good. Because I want to… because I have to… just like every one of us has to. Our lovers deserve the best relationship.

When that moment I’ll be proposing, I’ll see her cry in tears of joy, because she knows I have prepared really hard to be better enough as a person and that I am about to start a deeper and better chapter of our lives. I will cry as she say yes, overwhelmed I’m good enough for someone as wonderful as her.

It’s not a matter of knowing. It is a matter of understanding to be able to live it.

Let’s see ourselves on top… with God.


Anonymous said...

So have you found her?

Unknown said...

Not yet :)

Anonymous said...

Well... you'll find her. Who knows, she might be right in front of you. You just don't know it yet. =)

Anonymous said...
